We have several product lines of mobile communications systems for Android, iOS and Windows, all of which depend on an extensive infrastructure of server and network components. We are looking for a Software Security Developer, with a hands-on approach to complement our existing development and customer teams in defining and implementing all aspects of product and company security technologies and processes.
This role would include assisting in all security-related aspects of our software development, as well as the continuing worldwide roll-out of our current and new product ranges, influencing internal teams and external customers and bringing hands-on experience of code, network and system level security.
This role is open only to direct applications to Armour Communications Limited (“Armour”) and via our existing recruitment agents. Any CV submitted to us by any other agent of any sort will be taken to be acceptance by said agent that they are entering into a legally-binding contract with Armour Communications Limited to provide a fee-free introduction to the candidate and allowing Armour to recruit the candidate at no cost and with no obligation to said agent.