All eggs in one basket – What happens when tech giants stumble?

All eggs in one basket – What happens when tech giants stumble?

Operational and cyber resilience is key to incident management and business continuity.

This morning the world has woken up to chaos with many airports cancelling flights, supermarkets unable to process payments taking cash only and major broadcasters are struggling to get back on air. Even the systems for the Paris Olympics, due to start in a week’s time, have been affected.

The reason? There’s been a glitch with Microsoft Windows 10. Currently it is believed that this was introduced by a product update from CrowdStrike.

Safety in numbers – not necessarily

Businesses go with huge tech giants because they believe that they are a safe bet, that they provide everything a company needs, and that they are impregnable.  To be fair the end-to-end technology from the same vendor does make life easy in so many ways. BUT, what happens when it goes wrong – as it has done today.  Critical systems are down, and what back-up systems do they have in place?

This incident highlights the dangers of having all of your eggs in one basket! From a security perspective it is important to have independent systems that will still run even when the largest software vendor on the planet has a meltdown.

Out-of-band secure communications channel

This is where Armour comes in.  The Armour Secure Communications Platform provides independent voice calling, instant messaging and video conferencing. It can be installed on-premises for total control and security, or hosted via a secure cloud. Many of our customers use Armour as an out-of-band emergency comms channel, for additional operational resilience and cyber security.

Contact us today for more information about how to make your emergency communications more resilient. or read our Buyer’s Guide: Download Here

  • All eggs in one basket – What happens when tech giants stumble?
  • All eggs in one basket – What happens when tech giants stumble?
  • All eggs in one basket – What happens when tech giants stumble?
  • All eggs in one basket – What happens when tech giants stumble?
  • All eggs in one basket – What happens when tech giants stumble?
  • All eggs in one basket – What happens when tech giants stumble?
  • All eggs in one basket – What happens when tech giants stumble?
  • All eggs in one basket – What happens when tech giants stumble?