Armour Comms sees another successful year with over 50% increase in customer orders

Armour Comms sees another successful year with over 50% increase in customer orders

Growing markets for secure conferencing and archive and audit products gain traction for Armour Comms product portfolio

London, UK, 31 January 2023Armour Comms has completed another successful year which saw an increase in customer orders of 54%.  Armour also further developed relationships with key industry partners, most notably two new major defence contractors.

David Holman, Director at Armour Comms, stated: “Despite a challenging business environment, we have once again improved the financial standing of the company in 2022.
We have seen continued support from existing customers, as well as many new named contracts, including strategic investments from the defence sector.

“We are extremely positive for the coming year as our enhanced product portfolio is gaining traction and with several exciting new developments soon to be announced.  In addition, we have further cemented relationships with partners including two influential defence contractors which will make a significant impact on our ability to deliver large deployments.”

Plaudits for Armour Comms

As well as a financially successful year, Armour has continued to gain increased industry recognition with the following achievements:

• Unity by Armour was named Best Communications Security Solution in the SC Awards.

• Armour Comms was judged a ‘Leader’ in Secure Comms by a prominent industry analyst appearing in the top right hand corner of the analyst’s sector graph.

• Armour Comms was selected for the ‘Scale’ stream of the government-based Cyber Runway accelerator.

• Cyber Essentials Plus was added to Armour’s long list of industry best practice standards achieved

• ISO 27001 maintenance audit passed with flying colours

• Early in January 2023, Dr. Andy Lilly, CTO of Armour Comms was voted onto the techUK Cyber Management committee.


Product Innovations

Product innovation continued apace, with two significant product streams added to the Armour product portfolio:

• Unity by Armour – secure conferencing that confirms and safeguards user identity and protects against ‘uninvited’ attendees (zoom-bombing).

• Recall by Armour – archive and auditing capabilities for regulated industries that need to retain proof of communications/conversations, while ensuring that they remain highly secure.

Both Unity and Recall have gained significant traction within the client base.

In addition, major developments for the core products have continued throughout the year, enhancing Armour’s capabilities for large and complex deployments as well as providing a raft of end-user features that provide a truly superior user-experience when compared to consumer-grade alternatives.  Highlights include:

• Armour Core v5.x which includes Kubernetes capabilities and the ability to deploy remotely and at scale for large enterprise users (10,000+ users)

• A technology preview of the new Configuration Management System which provides management of data within the Armour ecosystem, even on BYOD phones, without the need for a MDM solution.

• SigNet v3.x which includes secure group video calls and increased capabilities for enrolling and managing users, making it even more useable for entry-level direct WhatsApp replacements in enterprise environments.

  • Armour Comms sees another successful year with over 50% increase in customer orders
  • Armour Comms sees another successful year with over 50% increase in customer orders
  • Armour Comms sees another successful year with over 50% increase in customer orders
  • Armour Comms sees another successful year with over 50% increase in customer orders
  • Armour Comms sees another successful year with over 50% increase in customer orders
  • Armour Comms sees another successful year with over 50% increase in customer orders
  • Armour Comms sees another successful year with over 50% increase in customer orders
  • Armour Comms sees another successful year with over 50% increase in customer orders