Not all Group Messaging Apps are created equal

Not all Group Messaging Apps are created equal

What limits does yours have?

When it comes to secure comms apps, group messaging is often taken as a given, expected.  However, sending everyone in a group the same message simultaneously it isn’t quite as straight forward as it sounds.  It all depends on how the messages are handled.  Some apps send messages from the client to every user in the group, and obviously the more members in the group, the more messages that need to be sent.  As the client is required to process each of these messages and any attachments (including any encryption) this can cause issues resulting in practical limits on the numbers in a group.

Alternatively, a single message can be sent to a messaging server, which then replicates the messages to the entire group. This is a far more scalable method, where the server is doing the hard work and the size of a group becomes almost unlimited. This has been achieved in Armour Mobile by extending our encryption capability, drawing on 3GPP standards.

So if your organisation needs to communicate securely within groups, sending bulk messages and attachments efficiently, without limits on the number of recipients, we have the solution for you.

For more information contact us via:


Tele: +44 (0)20 36 37 38 01

  • Not all Group Messaging Apps are created equal
  • Not all Group Messaging Apps are created equal
  • Not all Group Messaging Apps are created equal
  • Not all Group Messaging Apps are created equal
  • Not all Group Messaging Apps are created equal
  • Not all Group Messaging Apps are created equal
  • Not all Group Messaging Apps are created equal
  • Not all Group Messaging Apps are created equal